York County ARC Winter Field Day

25/26 Jan 2025
The York County Amateur Radio Club will be operating a Winter Field Day station.  We will be operating throughout the two-day event and invite young and old to participate and "Get on the Air" with us.  Come and experience the fun of radio communications.

•  Location: Buxton-Hollis Rod & Gun Club
   81 Plains Road, Hollis, Maine 04042
•   MAP
•   Winter Field Day Association Rules

MEETING, March 2
Mtg Topic: Firming Up 2025 Activities
Wells Town Offices
208 Sanford Road, Wells, ME


  2-Meter Net Every Thursday 6:00PM  

147.345 +/123.0 KB1PRG Alfred Repeater

Watch Our Winter Field Day video

Lewiston Hamfest-MAR2023






3 Novenber Meeting



2 June Meeting


 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network



5 May Meeting


 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network



7 April Meeting


 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network


3 March Meeting


 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network


14 February WELLS Jr. HS Visit

  The York County Amateur Radio Club Visits the Wells Maine Junior High School


4 February Meeting


 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network



27 & 28 January WINTER FIELD DAY

 Event & Activity Summary


 Log In Cabrillo format


7 14 January Meeting Canceled

 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network




3 December Meeting


 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network;


5 November Meeting




1 October Meeting


 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network



23-24 September Shaker Hill Apple Festival Event Station

Report by Susan, WB2UQP


27 August Seashore Trolley Museum, Kennebunkport

Special Event Station  Video


4 June Meeting


 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network



7 May Meeting


 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network



2 April Meeting


 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network



24/25 March Lewiston Maine State ARRL Convention & Hamfest

The York County Amateur Radio Club (We!) had a table at the Maine State Convention and Hamfest in Lewiston on Friday and Saturday. It was fun and there were many club members there. We were set up next to the Wireless Society of Southern Maine which contributed to the camaraderie and entertainment. We made many purchases to upgrade our ham shacks, some were simple and inexpensive, while others were major high end purchases which demonstrated a serious commitment to the future of our hobby. Then there were those of us who picked up obscure items at a low price simply for the sake of experimentation. In summary, it was a fun event followed by a group of us who went to lunch at a local restaurant and had the opportunity to share stories about our personal lives outside of ham radio. Thank you all who participated. I hope you had as much fun as I did. Rick, KB1ASM, Club President


12 March Meeting

 Meeting Minutes

 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network


5 February Meeting

 Meeting Minutes Corrected v2

 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network


8 January Meeting

 Meeting Minutes

 Reports: Education; VE, Web Site; Packet network; MESH Network




December 10

Today's VE exam session was a tremendous success!    Eight candidates sat for the tests with all passing - Three new Tech's and five upgrades to General. More exam sessions are planned in the coming months. See the  VE Exam Schedule


October 24/25 - Alfred Shaker Museum Apple Festival Special Event Station

The Alfred Shaker Museum Apple Festival was a great success for our first attempt.  Friends of the Alfred Shaker Museum were our gracious hosts providing an ideal spot on the festival grounds.  Contacts were sparce due to a compromised installation and band conditions.  Many thanks to Rick, KB1ASM, for organizing the event.  Shout-outs of appreciation to Dave, AA1LO, and Jim, KC1ETT for help setting-up the station. Frank, W1FRA, and Bruce, KC1RJU, helped "break camp on Sunday.  Twelve visitors signed the guest log wanting more information about ham radio and to be added to the mailing list.  Thanks also to Paul, KY1C, and Brad, KC1JMH , for visiting.  See EVENT PHOTOS


September 11 - Congratulations to our newly elected club officers

President: Rick Alderette, KB1ASM;   Vice President: Dan Merrifield, K1DQ;   Secretary: Tony Baker, AA3HD;   and Treasurer: Jim White, KC1ETT.