The K1DQ, Shapleigh, DMR repeater is located at 940 feet above sea level on one of the highest hills in York County providing a wide coverage area.  Mobile coverage extends from Freeport, ME to Hampton, NH along the coastal plain.  K1DQ Coverage Map    The Motorola repeater is running 60 watts output to a 4-dipole array at 100 ft. above ground. PHOTOS.  A whole house generator ensures operation during commercial power outages.  The repeater is open to all ham operators.

The K1DQ DMR repeater is part of the New England Digital Emergency Communications Network (NEDECN).  All the 90+ repeaters in this network are interconnected via a number of geographically separated servers.  The Shapleigh repeater supports both the Maine and New Hampshire talk groups which interconnects all the DMR repeaters in each of those states.  It also supports the New England talk group which connects all the DMR repeater in the six state region and a local talk group which disconnects the repeater from the network.  For more info on this network and the complete list of talk groups supported by the Shapleigh repeater, please go to: nedecn.org

The KB1PRG Alfred Repeater is the primary repeater for the York County Amateur Radio Club and is being used for the weekly club nets.  The repeater is a Motorola MSF-5000 with an Arcom RC-210 controller running about 50 watts into a Telewave six can duplexer and a Station Master antenna at about 140 feet above ground.  The repeater covers the central/coastal area of York County.  Also, north to Portland, and south and west into New Hampshire to a lesser extent.  KB1PRG Coverage Map

The repeater is located off Jordan Springs road on the old Sheriff's tower and can easily be run by a portable generator if necessary. PHOTOS. The '345 is also, one of two repeaters, used by the York County EMA and the York County ECT for Emergency Communications.